Lois Woodberry

Introducing Sustainability - the book

Introducing Sustainability-The Book

of $2,500 targetyrs ago
Successful on 2nd Dec 2021 at 1:30PM.

The world is facing some serious challenges, so what can we do to help the planet? Introducing Sustainability is a guide to help answer that question.

We explore the principles of both environmental and social sustainability—covering issues such as climate change, biodiversity, and waste—and provide readers practical actions to start living more sustainable, environmentally-friendly lifestyles.  

During this journey, we are reminded that our individual actions—when embraced as a collective—count. What is most important is getting started, and Introducing Sustainability was created to help you take that first step.

By lending your support, we can spread the message of Introducing Sustainability, and provide beginners with a guide to taking practical actions to help the planet.

With some extra support, we can donate copies of Introducing Sustainability to Australian Libraries.

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Budget Overview


Design                 $1,500

Initial Print run    $750

Marketing.           $250


No Reward

I choose to have no reward for my pledge. My reward is a better environment.

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Be one of the first to have and read Lois Woodberry's Introducing Sustainability with a single copy of the book

20 chosen / 280 available

Est. delivery is Dec 21


Be one of the first to have and read a copy of the book, plus donate one copy to an Australian Library

13 chosen / 37 available

Est. delivery is Nov 21


Get two copies of the book, plus donate one copy to an Australian Library.

2 chosen / 38 available

Est. delivery is Dec 21